Bethania Mennonite Personal Care Home or Pembina Place Mennonite Personal Care Home may be the most appropriate care setting when your care needs can no longer be managed within your home or an alternative community setting.
The most convenient time for admission is 10:30. At this time staff are available to spend more time with you so that the admission is relaxed and pleasant. We encourage your family and/or friends to accompany you.
A staff member will greet you and your family and help you through the admission day. You will be oriented to the features of your room and the location of the dining room. A nurse will meet with you to review your health information.
If you have not already done so prior to admission, you and/or your family member will be asked to make a list of your clothing. All clothing will be labeled and returned to you (there is an assessed fee for this). This process helps to ensure clothing returns to your room from the Laundry Department. Items laundered by family are also marked to prevent them from being misplaced and to facilitate return if they were inadvertently sent to the Laundry Department.
Admissions are coordinated by the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority / Long Term Care Access Center. The Long Term Care Access Centre is responsible for scheduling panel dates, ensuring clients have access to long term care services that are most appropriate to their needs and maintaining waiting lists for personal care homes/long term care programs. For more information, contact the Long Term Care Access Centre at (204) 788-8330.
The Resident Care Coordinator will call you or your designated responsible party regarding the room accommodation available and the admission date. Admission forms must be completed and returned to Bethania prior to admission. The forms include: Admission and Residency Agreement, Personal Style and History Information, Spiritual Profile, Personal Health Information Act Release Form for Name Use, Funeral Home information, Advance Care Plan and booklet, Choice of Physician, Labeling request (itemized clothing list), Name Plate form, Application for Reduced Resident/Authorized Charge, and the Tax Information Release Form.
Applicants from hospitals, interim units and other personal care homes must arrive on the date the room is available, as Manitoba Health does not allow an individual to pay for two accommodations simultaneously. Applicants from the community may take up to twenty-one days “social leave” to arrive, but must pay for their accommodations beginning on the date the room is available.
During your first few weeks , various individuals will meet with you to assess your needs specific to their department (i.e. recreation, occupational therapist, dietitian). After approximately eight weeks, the Resident Care Coordinator will arrange for a Post Admission Conference to which you and your family will be invited. This is an opportunity for staff and you/your family to review your care plan, answer any questions you may have, and address any outstanding concerns. Residents and/or their family members are encouraged to assess, plan, provide monitoring as well as assist in evaluating the Resident’s care. It is also an opportunity for us to learn more about you and your family. Subsequent care conferences are held on an annual basis. Post Admission Conferences and Annual Reviews are scheduled for 30 minutes.
If you and/or your family require additional time after admission to decide on a care level for the Advance Care Plan, the Resident Care Coordinator will ask that you have your decision made for the time of the Post Admission Conference.
Bethania staff will not initiate CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation). If a resident indicated through a Health Care Directive or Advance Care Plan and they wish CPR, the nurse will call 911 for an ambulance and transfer to an acute care hospital.
Your application to be admitted into a Personal Care Home is reviewed by an assessment panel to decide on the most appropriate environment where your care needs can be met. If the assessment panel decides you are not eligible for a personal care home, you and your family may ask the Regional Health Authority to review the application again.
Canadian citizens and permanent residents who have lived in Manitoba for the previous five consecutive years are eligible for personal care home benefits. If you are a Canadian citizen and a new resident to Manitoba, there will be a period of 24 consecutive months before you are eligible for personal care home benefits.
Exceptions are made if:
- You previously were a resident of Manitoba for 30 years, left Canada and then returned to Canada after an absence of less than 10 years and re-established yourself as a resident of Manitoba, or
- You have been a resident of a province or territory of Canada for five consecutive years and immediately have established yourself as a resident of Manitoba.
Personal Belongings: In the interest of protecting Residents’ valuables, it is recommended that you do not bring any valuable items such as jewelry, ornaments, heirlooms, etc. with you to Bethania. Bethania does not have insurance coverage for Residents’ personal property and is not responsible for loss of valuables due to any cause (includes dentures, hearing aides and clothing). If you choose to bring valuables with you, personal insurance is strongly recommended.
Health Care: Personal health insurance coverage is strongly recommended. Many plans cover a portion or all of the costs associated with ambulance service, ambulation/seating/specialized equipment needs, massage therapy, podiatry/foot care, etc. Annual premiums are nominal compared to the actual costs for services.
The Resident daily rent charges are set by Manitoba Health and Healthy Living. The residents daily rate charge is re-assessed every August 1st based on the previous years income. You must provide a copy of the Notice of Assessment from Revenue Canada from the previous tax year. If the resident is transferred to us from another facility, the financial information will be transferred to us and the daily rate charged at that facility will remain in effect. If you move in mid-month, you will be charged for the remaining days of the month (including admission day), and on the first of each month thereafter. Resident charges are to be paid through automatic debit only. Please provide a void cheque on admission day. A Trust statement with proof attached goes out each month the Power of Attorney.
Resident (insured) charges cover the cost of your room, nursing and professional care, recreation programs, medical/surgical supplies, medications, incontinence products, and meals.
Non-insured miscellaneous charges are the responsibility of the Resident and will appear on the monthly Trust statement. Although not all of these items will be applicable to all Residents, these charges include but are not limited to the following:
- Alterations to clothing
- Sundries/brand-named products not supplied by the home
- Spiritual Care Donations
- Equipment rentals-wheelchairs/walkers/canes
- Recreation outing expenses
Trust Accounts at Bethania Group are required in order to meet the standards set by Manitoba Health. Participation is mandatory, therefore all Residents must enroll. The Trust Account system works on a debit plan instead of a credit plan, thus no advanced money is required. Items that will be charged to the Trust Account are all non-insured items as per Manitoba Health including but not limited to rent, hairdressing, foot care, etc. No charge will be made to the account that is not a usual/standard fee or without authorization from the resident Power of Attorney.
The Benefits
- All bills authorized by the resident / family will be processed in a timely manner.
- There are no late fees.
- Families do not need to come to Bethania to pay additional charges if the trust account has been authorized to process the bill.
- All items will be listed in the month the charge occurred making it easy to keep track of the expenses.
- At the end of the calendar year, a report will be provided that can be used to claim additional expenses for Revenue Canada.
There will be a $10 administration fee each month.
Your clothing will be laundered for you at Bethania however ironing services are not provided. We recommend washable, permanent press-type clothing. Five or six complete changes of clothing are necessary:
- Dresses/shirts and pants
- Nightdresses/pajamas
- Sweaters (washable)
- Shoes and slippers (non-slip soles and comfortable heel height)
- Stockings/socks
- Housecoat/dressing gown
- Undergarments/underwear
- Comb and brush
- Hair rollers and pins
- Creams and lotions
- Shaver, aftershave
- Toothpaste/denture cream
- Nail clippers
Mobility Aide
If you own a cane, walker and/or wheelchair, please be sure to bring the item(s) along but remember to label it with your name. The serial number will be recorded for future reference.
Since the rooms are relatively small, it is important to consider safety and convenience when bringing in furniture. It is important that the space be sufficient for staff to meet your care needs and to provide appropriate housekeeping services. Personal items for the room must be approved by staff and must meet safety requirements. Should care needs change; some items may need to be removed.