Family and Friends
Staff will communicate with the primary contact person listed within the resident's chart regarding a change in the resident health condition, care conferences, outings and other resident related issues.
It is important for the person who is the primary contact to keep other family members informed.
Family and friends can enhance the quality of life of the resident in many ways:
- Take an active interest and participate in assessing, planning, providing, monitoring and evaluating the Resident's care;
- Visit frequently
- Bring young children for visits (Residents love them!)
- Check and replenish wardrobe and toiletries regularly, ask nursing staff for input;
- Respond to information-seeking letters;
- Participate in invited activities;
- Offer suggestions for improvements to care, services and the environment;
- Attend meetings or discussion groups planned for friends/families;
- Support Teas and other special events;
- Bring church bulletins, encourage church members and the clergy to visit;
- Bring a pet for a visit;
- Share a meal with your loved one;
- Discuss concerns with a Nurse, Social Worker and/or Admission Coordinator.